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Research on Aging, Frailty and Transitions in Barcelona

During 2023, the group has focused on ongoing projects in to consolidate research lines: 1) +AGIL: we have implemented the new multicomponent intervention (+AGIL Program) to prevent or reverse frailty of older adults in three primary care centers, which is now under evaluation. Parallel to this implementation project we have started a new project (AGIL-URBA), to study the elements of the urban environment. 2) PROFIT, a study regarding the approach to the Oncologic Frail Individual through Tailored assessment and intervention; 3) FRONT STAGE, a three-arms single-blind RCT study to test the effects of a physical exercise intervention+transcranial direct current stimulation on pre-frontal metabolism and brain function; and 4) AMIDA, Applying a Multidisciplinary Intervention for Drug Adequacyin Intermediate Care and then a line focused on the evaluation of services and outcomes for older adults: QCOA, a study to develop a toolbox of PROMs and PREMs to evaluate home hospitalization.


  • Chronic, Prevalent Diseases & Aging


Group Leader
Marco Inzitari

Principal Investigator (PI)
Ana Maria De Andrés Lázaro, Neus Gual Tarrada, Laura Mónica Pérez Bazán, Cristina Udina, Aida Ribera

Ana Maria Barrios Franquesa, Alejandra de la Cruz, Lluís Jordi Farré, Marisa de la Fuente, Carlota Zabaco

PhD Students
Joan Ars Ricart, Luis Ignacio Soto Bagaria, Lorena Villa, Nuria Soler

Lab Technicians
Paula Espí Vallbé, Lorenzo Escutia


Impact Factor
Average Impact Factor

Villa-García L, Davey V, Peréz LM, Soto-Bagaria L, Risco E, Díaz P, Kuluski K, Giné-Garriga M, Castellano-Tejedor C and Inzitari M
Co-designing implementation strategies to promote remote physical activity programs in frail older community-dwellers.
(2023) Front. Public Health 11:1062843
DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1062843
IF: 3.8

Luis Soto-Bagaria, Sophie Eis, Laura Mónica Pérez, Lorena Villa-García, Oriol de Solà-Morales, Carme Carrion, Maria Giné-Garriga, Marco Inzitari
Mobile applications to prescribe physical exercise in frail older adults: review of the available tools in app stores Age and Ageing
Age and Ageing, Volume 52, Issue 12, December 2023,
DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afad227
IF: 6.7

Marco Inzitari, Cristina Arnal, Aida Ribera, Anne Hendry, Matteo Cesari, Sílvia Roca, Laura Mónica Pérez,
Comprehensive Geriatric Hospital at Home: Adaptation to Referral and Case-Mix Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
J Am Med Dir Assoc . 2023 Jan;24(1):3-9.e1.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jamda.2022.11.003
IF: 7.802

Ferrara MC, Pérez LM, Ribera A, Villa-García L, Ars J, Soto-Bagaria L, Bellelli G, Cesari M, Enfedaque MB, Inzitari M.J
Sustained improvement of intrinsic capacity in community-dwelling older adults: The +AGIL Barcelona multidomain program.
J Intern Med. 2023 Dec;294(6):730-742.
DOI: 10.1111/joim.13710
IF: 11.1

Inzitari M, Arnal C, Ribera A, Hendry A, Cesari M, Roca S, Pérez LM.
Comprehensive Geriatric Hospital at Home: Adaptation to Referral and Case-Mix Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2023 Jan;24(1):3-9.e1.
DOI: doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2022.11.003.
IF: 7.802


PROFIT (PeRsonalizing the approach to the Oncologic Frail Individual through Tailored assessment and intervention)
Principal Investigator: Marco Inzitari
Agency: Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer
Funding: 298,500 €
Period: 2020-2024

QCOA a toolbox to measure the health outcomes and the experience of hospitalization at home, with geriatric and acute patients
Principal Investigator: Aida Ribera
Agency: Institut de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 75,000 €
Period: 2023-2025

Pre-FRONTal brain STability, key for action against disability in AGing: The FRONT STAGE Project
Principal Investigator: Marco Inzitari
Agency: Instituto Carlos III – AES PIS
Funding: 123,420,00 €
Period: 2020-2023

AMIDA, Applying a Multidisciplinary Intervention for Drug Adequacy in Intermediate Care
Principal Investigator: Ana Mª de Andrés
Agency: COFB (Colegi oficial de farmacèutics de Barcelona)
Funding: 9,000 €
Period: 2021-2023

FRAILWATCH. Sistema de Monitoritzacio Robotic de la Fragilitat per a Persones Grans
Principal Investigator: Marco Inzitari
Agency: Ajuntament de Barcelona & Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) – BCN Ciència
Funding: 149,911.99€
Period: 2023-2025

VHIR Annual Report 2023