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New Clinical Studies

Clinical trials
EOM (Post authorization study)
MD (Medical device study)

* New clinical studies (266) include clinical trials, post authorization studies and medical device studies.

Active Clinical Studies

Clinical trials
EOM (Post authorization study)
MD (Medical device study)
Clinical Trials on Rare Diseases
Clinial Trials on Pediatrics
Clinical Trials patient inclusions in 2023

* Active clinical studies (1080) include clinical trials, post authorization studies and medical device studies.

Active Clinical Studies 5-year evolution

Active Clinical Studies 5-year evolution

Patient inclusions 5-year evolution

Patient inclusions 5-year evolution

Active Clinical Studies by eCORE

Active Clinical Studies by eCORE

Billing evolution of clinical studies

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Phase I-II 2,364,681.00€ 2,422,798.00€ 3,261,220.00€ 3,294,597.29€ 3,855,869.30€
Phase III 3,191,874.00€ 3,359,925.00€ 4,343,587.00€ 4,388,041.88€ 5,367,816.79€
Phase IV 106,351.00€ 144,704.00€ 289,781.00€ 292,746.79€ 151,994.86€
EOM/MD 783,316.00€ 350,981.00€ 350,411.00€ 353,997.32€ 378,462.66€
TOTAL 6,446,222.00€ 6,278,408.00€ 8,244,999.00€ 8,329,383.28€ 9,754,143.60€

Definitions & methodology

The data are at VHIR level, not at Campus level (not including data from VHIO/Adult Oncology and Hematology Services).

The data includes commercial and academic studies that are registered in the database.

eCORE “Others”: studies of researchers who are not part of any research area of VHIR but belong to a Service of Vall d’Hebron Hospital.

New: studies with signed contract+AEMPS+CEIm.

Active: active+new+closed studies in the year.

VHIR Annual Report 2023